Thursday, December 31, 2015

Make the Most of the New Year

    Bye bye 2015, hello 2016! I love New Year's Eve. For me, it really is a super close second to Christmas morning! The excitement I get to see on my children's faces when they see all of those packages wrapped in colorful bows, lit by the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree is worth the struggle of Target before Christmas. Maybe it's a Type A personality issue, but the thought of a beautifully clear slate, the moment of pause for reflection and the sales on organizing supplies that is to come in the next few weeks sends my heart all atwitter!

   Some people like to paint, some thrive by toiling in their gardens, but for me, it's all about the meticulously stacked bins and containers lining the aisles!

    My husband says it's a sickness, but I call spending hours browsing the aisles professional research. January is National Get Organized Month (GO Month), and it starts tomorrow. For a professional organizer, today actually is Christmas Eve! Tomorrow, resolutions begin. Tomorrow is the dawn of a new year and new beginnings. Tomorrow is a clean slate and 365 new chances to be the best you! Can you just feel the excitement in the air!!!?!? 

   I will be spending this month posting about the actual HOW to organizing and ways to achieve your goals realistically and on budget, even if that budget is $0! If you have specific questions you'd like addressed, let me know by emailing me. I'd love to hear from you!

   I am excited to see what this year will bring and I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year!

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