Friday, December 11, 2015

12 Days to Organize the Holidays - pt3

      As a slight piggyback from yesterday's post, today I want to talk about your home. The catalyst for this post is specifically preparing for a party that you are hosting, but the bones of these principles can really be applied throughout the year!

      I love a good party, but I rarely host them. I would love to have a get-together where all of my close friends just dropped by, I magically whipped up trays of delicious food in 30 seconds and all of my guests felt loved and welcomed because my friends and family love me 'as is'.

     Well, that doesn't happen! It's really a personal issue. As a professional organizer, being Type A can sometimes be a hindrance. It's true! I can drive my poor, sweet husband batty with all of the details. He is totally a Type A personality himself, but with a strange Type B streak that I just don't understand. I make lists upon lists for weeks leading up to the event. I try to balance a menu with healthy options and options that are allergy free. I think about what kids can eat as well as what would fit in my budget. What can I parents owned a restaurant so I grew up with a great education on catering events!

     So between my early education in professional kitchens and catering halls to my skills as a professional organizer, allow me to pass on a few tips for hosting a successful party.

#1 - Make a list and check it twice!

     With our busy schedules, there is no way anyone could remember everything between menus and guests lists, written lists are a life saver. A little early number crunching will help to know how much food to buy, space for seating and ensure no one is unintentionally left out in the cold without an invitation. Begin with broad lists; Menu, Guests and maybe a rough list of decorations, all on separate sheets of paper. Then each list can be expanded upon and referred to to make your planning streamlined. Refer to the Menu list for grocery items and be sure to double check that with your Guest list for anyone you know that may have a food allergy.

     As a side tip, this week I was asked about the difference between heavy hors d'oeuvres and light appetizers on invitations. The simplest answer I can give is that an appetizer is a small bite of food that precedes a meal. If the invitation says "Heavy hors d'oeuvres" then there will be no meal served, but there will simply be more finger foods than if someone was doing "light appetizers." Something to consider when planning your invitations to your guests!

#2 - Pace yourself.

     Much of the party prep can be done in advance, especially if you choose items for your menu that will hold in the fridge or freezer. Pasta salads, rolls, cookies, pies and cold sides like cranberry sauce are good for this. Do deeper cleaning 24-48 hours in advance of the party like bathrooms and living rooms. That way the day of the party you can just do a 30 second wipe down and maybe light vacuuming.

#3 - Recruit help!

     I always say, "Behind every successful woman is a great team!" Superwoman is a myth and there ain't no shame in asking for help! (My husband is looking at me funny on this one. Perhaps I should practice this preaching a tiny bit more.) But seriously, let older kids clean mirrors while littles help dust with a cleaning wand. The house will shine in no time! And do not feel guilty about picking up party trays and letting KFC or Pizza Hut do the cooking!

#4- Remember the goal.

     "I'm so happy my loved ones had a great time and I am so glad I was stuck in the kitchen cooking and cleaning all night!"said no host ever! Set yourself up for success with a little preplanning and keeping in mind what is important...spending time with family and friends and enjoying their company.

     Add to these tips in the comments! What is your helpful hint to keep your holiday parties balanced?

To learn more about organizing your home, and if you are located in the greater Atlanta area, contact us today to see how we can deliver calm and confidence to your home!

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