Thursday, December 10, 2015

12 Days to Organize the Holidays- Part 2

Thank you all so much for your response to Part 1! I am also excited to see how this series will help you stay organized and hopefully reduce some of the holiday stress!

Today we are going to talk about festivities! This time of year brings a slew of parties and gatherings. Office parties, potlucks and family gatherings can fill your already busy schedule quickly. It can also add the demands of bringing gifts for the host or hostess or a dish to share. Here are a few tips on how to reduce your workload and enjoy the festivities!

Tip #1 - Hostess with the Mostess!

       A great host makes a great party. Unless it is a potluck style foray, the host or hostess has been generous enough to open their homes and their wallets to show their guests a good time. Hosting an event can be seriously stressful. It is always good manners to offer to bring something to the event, such as a bottle of wine, flowers or dessert. My mother always said to never arrive to a party empty handed, but be mindful of what you bring with these thoughts:
* Unsolicited food meant to be served at the party could throw a hitch into your hosts' plans.
* A bouquet of flowers can be lovely, but opt for an arrangement that is already in a vase or container.
* Consider bringing a homemade coffee cake or basket of muffins for the morning after. Your host will appreciate not having to cook the morning after a late party.

Tip #2 - Cook Once

     Everyone has a signature dish, even if it is cookies from the deli of your local grocery store! Taking time to double or triple a recipe that you may already be bringing to an event and  storing 2nd and 3rd servings in the freezer in disposable pans can be a huge time saver. The night before the event you can just defrost the item and heat it as you get ready. Baked goods using in season fruits and veggies is always a welcomed addition to any table, or as a hostess gift (see #1). I have pinned a few recipes on our Pinterest page to help!

Tip #3 - Don't Fill Your Dance Card

      During the holidays we can often over schedule ourselves which will always lead to stress. Parties and gatherings can be fun, but also taxing. Don't feel abrogated to accept every invitation. It is perfectly OK to politely decline with a simple, "Oh it sounds like fun, but I/we already have other plans that night!" Hot chocolate and catching up on your Netflix feed are legit plans!

I hope these tips will help you put a little more jingle in your bells! Tune in tomorrow for ways to declutter in a dash before hosting an event. If you want The Organized Stork to deliver a little calm and confidence to your home this holiday season, contact us and let us know how we can help!

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