Tuesday, December 8, 2015

12 Days to Organize the Holidays - Part 1

The holidays can be such a time of fun, food and family...but they can also be a time of stress.  This short series will address some tips for overcoming the stress of the holidays, and even for getting a jump start on your New Year!  Follow these simple tips to cut down on holiday stress and clutter.

Out With The Old, In With The New!

It is always important to begin at the beginning. The first step to becoming (and staying!) organized is to declutter. Making a home for items that no longer work for you or are honored doesn't make practical sense. By decluttering, we are weeding out those items that simply take up space without adding value to your life. When we declutter, we are able to take stock of the items we currently own (hello, 4 sets of measuring cups when you never bake!)

         * Begin by taking stock of items in your home that can be donated or may need disposed of if they are damaged. Making donations of gently used item to Goodwill, Salvation Army or other charities can often be a boost to your wallet in the form of a tax deduction. This will also make space for those gifts that Santa brings!

         * Make a list and check it twice! It's no secret that making written lists can help you stay organized. Lists help you gain perspective and focus. By taking stock of what you already have, you can make your Christmas wish lists knowing that you won't be duplicating items you already own. This will save unnecessary items from coming in to your space. Making lists of those gifts that you want to give is also very helpful. By making a list of who to buy for and exactly what you would like to gift, you will avoid making extra purchases. This will help to keep you on budget and feeling like the Grinch when your credit card bills arrive in January.

         * Be generous to others, without breaking the bank. Have Grandma's china taking up valuable cabinet space and you never use it? Pass it along to a family member who may have been eyeing it for awhile! Did Aunt Sally give you another set of fuzzy slippers? Perhaps a women's shelter is in need. Don't feel guilty for  regifting passing gifts on to a better home. Consider it spreading holiday cheer!

These tips should get you off to the right start organizing start this holiday season. If you would like our help in organizing your home, contact us today to see how we can help!

From our home to yours, Merry Christmas! 

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