Thursday, October 9, 2014


Oh organizing blog, how I've missed you!!!

It has been almost 4 years since I have posted here, but this blog has not been gone, nor forgotten! Life happened, many sad and trying times for our family, but with the help of God we have landed on our Georgia!

The quads are now on the downhill slide to the big 3, which accounts for the majority of my radio silence. The twins are now homeschooled and we love the new lifestyle. Homeschooling has provided a great learning environment for flexing my organizing muscles! Schedules, learning supplies and an unusual amount of craft supplies have entered my home. The most surprising result of all of this has been a softening of my Type A personality! However, a tiny blonde has also entered the scene in the last 3 years and she proves that organizing is in the blood!

Blogging has been on my heart lately. I have learned so much as not just an organizer, but as a mother since our 4 miracles have come into our home, and one was called to Heaven. I hope to provide some tips and tricks that I have learned along the way, but more importantly, to help YOU with your daily challenges. So, if you have a suggestion for a post or a question, feel free to post a comment. I promise you aren't the only one with that question. As moms, we should support each other and I hope that this is a place where we can do just that!

Next up.....LAUNDRY!

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