Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Clutter Is Costing Me What!?!?

Picture it...2003. My husband and I were celebrating our first wedding anniversary living in a 611 sq ft apartment for $611 a month in Texas. It was my anniversary gift, a tabby cat we named Harley, that made me look at every item in my home in a new light. We loved Harley, for the entire 3 weeks he was with us before our management office found out we had him. But his food dishes set something off in me.

It was a normal, everyday, plastic, double feeder. It wasn't large by any means and took up exactly 1 square foot of our kitchen floor. Then I noticed the litter box...3 square feet. Another 4 square feet for his kitty tower. I turned to my husband and said, "You mean to tell me that we are paying $8 a month just to have his stuff here!?" No, $8 a month isn't a large amount, but it was an amazing realization. Every item in your home is costing money to store. Your bed, couch, refrigerator, and yes, even the cat's water bowl. But that is what rent is store the living essentials and niceties, not the clutter that can become strewn about your rooms taking up literally valuable space!

Look around your home. How much of your rent or mortgage are you spending housing your clutter? To figure the monthly cost, divide your mortgage or rent by the total square footage of your living space. That will tell you how much each square foot "costs" a month.

G.O. Month is quickly coming to a close. Remember that any progress is progress!! Be proud of your accomplishments and keep going! To find a professional organizer near you or for more organizing tips, visit NAPO, the National Association of Professional Organizers.


  1. Calculating how much your stuff costs you in rent/mortgage payments to store is a big motivator!

  2. Great way to look at the stuff in your home. I've had many clients that thought getting a bigger place would help them with their clutter, only to learn that it was an expensive storage facility for stuff they don't use.
    To your success!
