Friday, January 8, 2010

1 down, 3 to GO!

Week 1 of G.O. (Get Organized) month is coming to an end. How do you feel that your G.O. is going? If you still feel like you're not sure where to start, this post may help.

Think about your day. When you wake up, shower, dress and generally ready yourself for the day, does it seem to take longer than you would like? Do you fumble through drawers and make up bags looking for a specific item? If so, think about starting with where you start! First things first, as it goes!! People tend to lose quite a bit of time in their morning routine. Culling make up from your bag and clearing items that are infrequently used is not only a good organizing practice, but a must for safety and hygiene. There is a great article for the shelf life of make up here.

Next, consider streamlining your wardrobe. Toss any damaged items right away. Donate any items that haven't been worn in a year, 3-6 months for items like jeans and t-shirts. Typically theses items don't fit anymore. Having items in your closet and drawers that you don't and won't wear only slows you down in the morning.

In the next weeks, I'll be working through other possible speed bumps that slow you down through the day. Keep checking back in and sending your comments and questions to

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