Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How To...

As week 2 of G.O. Month closed, I received so many emails asking about specific items to organize. Because of the frequency of the requests, I decided to cover the responses here for all to see!

The following items will answer the question "How To..." and hopefully give you ideas on how to organize your home!

"...Create a Baby Keepsake Box"
Definitely the #1 question! Since this task will require storing items for  many years to come, a larger tote bin or storage box is my recommendation. I always suggest a plastic bin with a locking lid. Your child's valuables will be preserved from dust, possible water damage and critters that develop a fetish for glue and glitter. Other items you will need are:

  • An accordion file or pocket folders
  • 1 smaller shoe sized bin with locking lid
  • Permanent marker or label maker
  • Paper clips 
  • Acid-free tissue paper
  • Pen & Paper
Wrap smaller items that may get lost or break in tissue paper and store in the smaller bin for safekeeping. Make sure to mark or label the child's name on every bin to prevent confusion if you have more than 1 child. Making a short note or list of the items as they are placed in the respective bins will be a wonderful way to ensure your child knows the importance of the items within the box. 

For artwork or other keepsake papers, paperclip related items together and place in either an accordion file folder or individually labeled pocket folders, one for each year. These files can easily be placed inside the larger bin for safe keeping. Make sure to annotate special information on the outside of each folder or on a piece of paper in each section of the accordion file such as; age, teacher's name, special friends and any special accomplishments. 

"...Keep My Car Clean"
Since many of us seem to spend just as much time in our cars as we do in our homes, keeping our vehicles organized is key. For those with small children, keep a bin of items such as; diapers, wipes, change of clothes, towel, bottled water and trash bags as a staple. Having a stash will end those emergency moments that children seem to be experts at creating. 

Keep a plastic grocery bag in the front of your car to catch trash that would otherwise end up on your floorboards. Toss the whole bag when it is full or every few days as needed. A medium sized bin will control the backseat clutter by corralling small toys, books and favorite items of other family members. The bin will allow you to easily return items to their homes in the house as well. 

There are several wonderful products that can be tailored to suit your needs. Most of these products can be found at your local Superstore or online in the automotive section fairly inexpensively. 

"...Fold Laundry Faster"
I can't make this stuff up! At least 17 of you actually emailed me asking how to fold laundry faster!! Aside from attaching 4 more arms, here's all I have for you...
If you are a "dumper" and tend to fold clothes from piles on your bed or couch, you're in luck! This post will be most beneficial to you as opposed to those who prefer to fold from the dryer.

First, remove larger items such as towels, jeans and items you know you will hang up. 
Next, quickly pick thorough and pull out the socks. DO NOT match socks or dig for more. You'll find them.
Then, fold items and place in to designated piles by DRAWER DESIGNATION. If jeans and shorts are in separate drawers, separate piles so that each pile will be directly transferred to a drawer space. 

All of the items left in the pile should have been "fold" items and you should be able to make quick work of it. Transfer piles into their home drawers and hang the remaining garments and voila! Done! It may take some practice, but you will get into a system in no time.

More organizing dilemmas? Contact me or visit the NAPO website to locate a professional organizer near you!

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