Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Lesson in Organizing

It's almost Back-To-School time. Just today I started seeing the ads for 25 cent crayons and backpacks are on sale. More and more retailers seem to start their prep for this beloved event earlier each year. Aside from the posted "Supply Lists", there is a sure-fire way to ease back in to the school year.

Lesson 1: Always Be Prepared! 
Not only with pens and paper, but for long lines, overwhelming store displays and mile-long lists of required materials. However, this can be a fantastic educational opportunity for you and your child!
Each new year provides the opportunity for a clean slate. Children who were not previously accustomed to organizational skills can become masters this year! Maintaining separate notebooks for each subject can help divide information for children not only physically, but mentally. Moving from notebook to notebook allows the brain to shift gears. Color-coding can also help. Match a notebook, folder and lesson book with a highlighter or pen.

Lesson 2: Playing is learning!
I remember gathering all of my new supplies and arranging them 1,000 different ways in my backpack before I settled on a specific set up. A Professional Organizer in the making? Perhaps, but the rearranging of items can bring a certain level of control and confidence to your child that can only be beneficial when entering a new class or school. Allow them to create their own space (their backpack) how they see fit. And a small amount of help for the little ones may be fun for both parent and child! But allow older children to set up their space alone. This exercise also teaches responsibility and accountability.

Lesson 3: Get Warmed Up Before the BIG DAY!
After months of being away from the classroom, it can be very helpful to rev the brain back up for learning. Take the time while shopping to review math skills, English and spelling skills can be reviewed with making shopping lists and for adventurous parents, a small report on what events took place over the summer, or letters to friends who have been away. This also may be a good time to prepare your children for the schedule that they will encounter when they do head back to school. Sleep is very important! Starting back on an organized routine now may prevent a groggy first week!

NAPO In The Schools

NAPO has introduced a new program to encourage and educate students on the benefits of being organized. This program brings Professional Organizers into the classroom in Elementary school, and soon into the Middle and High schools. For more information on this program or to learn how to bring a Certified NAPO In The Schools educator into your school, visit NAPO  today!

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