Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Where Oh Where!?...

Hello?? Where are you?? - Stacey

I'm here! I'm a wife, mommy, church member and business owner. A "techie" I am not! It was time to invest in a new computer for the biz. I researched, haggled and played with every model I could get my hands on without being thrown out of every Best Buy within 100 miles. I decided on an iMac. 
Apparently I have been going the way of the fruit for quite awhile. Fellow Professional Organizers Geralin Thomas, CPO (www.metrozing.com) and Kara Russelo (www.LittleVirgo.com) raved about their iPhones until I caved and got one of my very own. I've never looked back! 
"How did I live without this tiny miracle!" I exclaimed to the world upon downloading my first App. (Short for application for those of you stuck in 2008!)

I admit that due to my fetish with my iPhone, the iMac was the contender to beat. The picture quality in and of itself is just amazing! Graphs, documents and invoices have never been simpler. Hello....I was a PC, and now I'm a Mac!

This being said, I will again remind you all that I am not a techie. Though I would rate my skills at "above average", I was vastly unprepared for the transition from PC to Mac. 

Client files, photos and the financials....oh, the financials!... sent my brain into a tizzy, as we say here in the South. Meaning a migraine that can only be resolved by a pitcher of Mint Juleps. 

The good news: I'm finished! And just in time for NAPO in the Schools to be launched. It should be a fantastic program that brings NAPO professionals into public and private schools in an effort to teach organizational skills to students. Children who display these skills tend to have better grades, stay on task more effectively, and are able to practice skills that will last a lifetime. 

For more information on this program or to locate a Professional Organizer near you, visit the NAPO website!