Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tips for Traveling with Toddlers

I survived. Seven fun-filled days with The Rat Mickey Mouse, my 2-year-old twin boys, a small timeshare and two airplane trips later, I survived. How did I do it? Very carefully! It was a first for my husband and me, and I learned many things along the way....
(This post assumes that you will be vacationing near civilization with some normal proximity to retail stores, a kitchenette, and basic utilities such as running water and electricity.)

  • Pack only what you will need for 3 days. Kids make messes and vacation won't (unfortunately!) be a reprieve from laundry. If you pack enough clothes for everyone for the entire duration of your trip, you will be lugging around mounds of dirty clothes. One quick load every other day will keep everyone happy.
  • Buy it there! With the new airline restrictions on carry on luggage and fees for checked luggage, consider a trip to the local grocery store or super store. Personal hygiene items such as; deodorant,  toothpaste, shampoo and soap are a quick buy and won't be confiscated at the security check point. Also, if your lodging does offer a way to cook, buying ingredients for cheap dinners like spaghetti will save you big bucks on your dining tab.
  •  Call ahead. A quick phone call to your car rental counter (make sure it's the local counter and not the national number!) can help you determine if you should lug items such as car seats. Orlando, FL Alamo at the Orlando/Sanford airport assured me they never run out. I didn't trust them so I (well, my husband to be honest) lugged 2 convertible Britax seats the whole way. While waiting to pick up my car and seeing car seat after car seat being handed out, I should have trusted them! Also, contact your lodging facility directly. See if they offer amenities like hair dryers and irons in room. If they do you can check those off your packing list!
  • Appease the beasts!   Plan ahead for times when the kiddies may be bored and thus a nanosecond from a nuclear meltdown. Keeping small travel toys such as magnetic sketch boards for "art time", sticker books or magazines for a picture hunt in your carry on is a must. And don't forget the snacks! Airline peanuts and beverage cart juice is not reliable nowadays.
Don't dread family vacations. After all, parents have been pulling their hair our for years on long car trips, walking airplane aisles with screaming babies and "making do" while away from home. And they didn't even have DVD players in their cars! With a little creativity, planning and A LOT of patience, you too will survive!